
Friday, April 13, 2012

Similiarities, Differences and Judgements


  1. Hello Mr. Crane, I am very pleased to meet you! I noticed that you and I have both had an artistic passion since we were children, however while you had a fairly normal family and childhood, my experiences weren't so ordinary. I do agree that the depressed USA deserves glamor and pizzazz. I truly have no judgements for you, I must say I admire your work quite a lot.

  2. Hi! My name is Lillian Lorraine and it is very nice to meet you. I was just lounging around and I read the interview you did. I realized that you designed theaters. I'm a performer!! You loved to build theaters and see plays, I loved to perform in musicals at theaters. True I was on Broadway ( because I'm so fabulous) and most of your stuff was in Detroit, but o well. Your theaters are so beautiful. just wanted to say hi. I'll be seeing you later

  3. I do commend you for being an amazing architect. I believe that since you are a architect and I am a painter we have things in common because I am known for painting landscapes which many architects sketch. I consider us similar because your parents also had faith in you for becoming an artist which was not common in those days, also you say you would have not made it without your early life experiences which I can agree with.

  4. Dear Mr. Crane;
    I am so amazed at the beautiful places you have created! I have a high respect for architects around the world, because they've created most of it for us! We have different passion, but without your creativity, i would have nowhere to perform! Thank you, good sir!

  5. And Mr. Crane! Please come join our table!
